The Team at Roger Locks
Roger Locks
Owner, CPA
Roger has been a licensed CPA for 50 years. He has been with multiple firms, as well as having been a professor of accounting at Farleigh Dickinson College. He's had his own practice for around 20 years. When it comes to taxes and accounting, he is very well versed.
Jakeb House
Office Manager, Accountant
Jakeb is an Accounting major at SUNY Empire. He takes care of scheduling and administrative tasks as well as learning from the best, Roger. Jakeb does the bookkeeping for a majority of the businesses we service. Jakeb is also available for preparing simple tax returns.
The Pups
Provides Cuteness to the office environment
We have 2 that are regulars, Billy Bob and Cromwell. Billy will greet you at the door! Cromwell is a bigger pup who will want to lay on your lap! Special guest pups are the tiniest and mightiest Sophia, and the majestic Spartan with his flowing locks!